
In our contemporary every day lives, food has become a very important aspect of how we live. There are numerous organic labels that demand a higher level of quality; therefore a clearer indication for the customers must be achieved.
There are a variety of different procedures and conditions that need to be taken into account and sometimes it's difficult to identify the relevant ones. Furthermore the face value of produce doesn't give a real interpretation of freshness or background work like the working conditions of the pickers.

Questions like; how fresh is the food? Where and under which circumstances are the goods produced? What additives (pesticides, fertilizers) are included in the food?
The available information for these types of questions is limited, therefore creating a system to which informs and displays this information is a necessarily.
The machine that we have devised is for the indication of the health concerns involved in fruit and vegetable growing, picking and selling.

The shape of FoodMood is basen on the shape of a classic scale. There are two sides, on the one side you can put the food and on the other side you can see the result.
For the three different indicators, we need to have three different "scales" (freshness, additives, origin)
We use a RFID chip as an information carrier. The chip will be in a sticker on the food, which brings  the customer directly to the final product.

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